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Everything that we accomplish is through donations.
* Donation of time and ideas


The Adams 12 GT Parents group is composed of parents who are interested and dedicated to the education (both in and out of the classroom) of their gifted and talented children.  Bring your ideas, your energy, and your desire to help all our students to grow our presence and voices in the district.  Contact us at for more information on how you can be more involved.


* Tax-deductable donations


The programs and learning opportunities that we offer to Adams 12 GT students and their families is funded by donations from the community and GT families.  Please help us raise funds to continue to offer GT-targeted events by making a tax-deductable donation to the A12GTPG.


As a parent group, we are affiliated with the Adams 12 School District and subject to the requirements for finanicial accounting and controls.  All donated funds will solely be used to support events for Adams 12 GT families (e.g., Super Saturday, field trips, Parent lectures).  Please contact us at if you have more questions.

Note:  Because of an error in the PayPal account, the funds that were donated from attendees of the Escape Room Challenge for middle school students were returned to parents.  To cover the cost of the pizza, drinks and desserts, we would like your help in offsetting those costs.  If your child attended the event and enjoyed it, please re-donate the amount that you originally committed to so that we can continue to have these kinds of events.  We're very sorry for the inconvenience (we're still learning these systems too) and appreciate any donations you can make.




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